Bob MacLafferty

Oct 032015

[embedplusvideo height=”142″ width=”200″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=n-0SZYTVZks&width=200&height=142&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep3190″ /] Lots of strong feelings this week in the wake of Thursday’s mass shooting less than a day’s drive north from where I’m sitting this morning. What a hard thing for families and friends to have their loved ones forcibly taken from them by evil. I can think of lots of words being used  in connection with this disaster- unfair, evil, justice, sickness, heartbreak, vengeance, grace,…..wait. What? Grace?

I ran into this song on the radio last night. Listened to it over and over. Shared it with some loved ones.

It’s nothing less than scandalous,

This Love that took our place.

Just call it what it is,

Call it grace. -Unspoken, Call It Grace

Yes. even for this troubled young man, even to his dying breath, the gift of salvation powered by grace, powered by completely undeserved action, could have been his.

It IS mine, every day that I choose to open my heart door to Jesus. Even on days that I fumble at the door knob and get in the way of the door swinging freely. It can be yours, today and every day, even if you can’t figure it out or even know what it means. It is yours for the wanting.

But where sin increased, grace increased all the more,   Romans 5:20 NIV.

The strange and shocking difference between our world and Jesus’ kingdom is centered in how we place value and worthiness on people.

“Although my memory’s fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”
― John Newton, Amazing Grace

Today, as I wait for the sun to rise, I stand in shock and awe at the scandalous, reckless grace gift that saves me. And I am amazed at the secret of grace that I keep forgetting- when I value the people around me with grace in mind, I am copying Jesus and, just like he planned, can become just a little more like Him each day. Not because of me, but because of Him.

Sep 272015

hang in thereWhew! Last week at work was one of my roughest in quite a while! I know that it was a difficult one for many of my coworkers as well. It would take more than one hand to count my failures this last week.

A couple of the biggest…failing to timely recognize two of our coworkers who transferred out of our laboratory family to other opportunities that are better matches for their needs at this time.  I am so thankful to both of you for the time we were able to spend together.

When we go through difficult times, it’s easy to get distracted and forget the important things, letting the short term circumstances drag us down. It’s hard to hang in there until I remember at least these three things:

One. I am blessed and happy to be where I am because I am where I am supposed to be right now.

The very steps we take come from God; otherwise how would we know where we’re going? Proverbs 20:24 The Message

Two. I am fortunate to be surrounded by great people. From my boss, whom I trust and respect, to my fellow leaders, to my coworkers in the lab who serve with excellence and help me laugh at least once each day!

Three. I see good happening every day. Sometimes through my doing. More often, through the work of those serving alongside me. It’s far better for me to celebrate all these things than to allow a relatively small number of things change the color of the entire week.

Yes. Right place, Right people. Right things happening!

For those of you who catch me in a down moment, remind me to hang in there! If you’ve joined me by having periods of discouragement recently, hang in there! Things like this don’t define us or our success. God is not surprised by the boulders in our path. Taking a longer view reminds us that in relation to the journey, the boulders are just pebbles. Celebrate the fact that the journey is headed to the right destination!

Sep 112015

9 11 facebook timeline cover banner for fb in memory of twin towers sept 11 2001 facebook cover photo

Fourteen years ago. Do you remember where you were? I was standing a few feet from a portable radio in the laboratory just outside of the Emergency Room at Tennessee Christian Medical Center. While the hospital is no longer as it was, I have strong memories of that morning. I remember calling for hospital staff to meet in the chapel. I remember bowing at the front of the darkened room, begging God for a message to encourage and strengthen. I remember, minutes later, speaking to a full chapel, the huge display bible open in my hands, sharing the message of Moses at the Red Sea. When trapped between the sea and Pharaoh’s army, he spoke:

Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. Exodus 14:13 NIV

Just like I knew then that the message I spoke was not from any thought of my own, I know now that my God does not want His people to fear. The terrorists on that day hoped to instill a spirit of fear in America. They were physical instruments of the evil one, just as he continues to plague us with a spirit of fear in our hearts now.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 1 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

A spirit of fear darkens the spirit of the young father who just lost his job. A spirit of fear of failure weakens the intellect of the brilliant high school student, her ability masked by it. A spirit of fear clouds the mind of the elderly woman feeling the end is near, not sure of her future.

I know that  the future of this great country does not lay with its people cowering from an evil power. I don’t know about you, but I know that my God has no interest in me living my life in a spirit of fear, frightened of what my life on earth will bring and uncertain of my salvation.

I believe in America. Even though we make shockingly poor decisions, about our government and as a society. I know that as long as we refuse to accept the spirit of fear and move forward, working hard and doing right by those around us, we can prevail.

I believe in my salvation through Jesus Christ. Even though I often neglect Him, even though I make shockingly poor decisions and disappoint Him often, I know that He wants to remove my spirit of fear and replace it with power to do right, love to care for those in my reach, and a sound mind to think and act in ways that please Him.

Sep 052015

I take care of my ownA flash of anger crosses the father’s face as he cuts off a relative’s cutting comment about his treasured teen daughter. He lifts her to her feet and walks proudly arm in arm with her across the restaurant floor, sheltering her from hurt and discouragement.

  I take care of my own.


The young girl persistently tugs her toddler sister’s arm, pulling her away from a danger only the older sister can see. The snake slithers slowly by.

I take care of my own.

A black and white mare charges a group of larger horses intent on nipping at her young foal.

I take care of my own.

A young single mom gets into trouble over the weekend. Rather than shunning and allowing her job to be in jeopardy, her supervisors circle around her, vowing to protect her from hurtful comments and giving her the time to heal.

I take care of my own.

Satan stands in heaven. “You have this so-called law. Your people can’t even keep it. As I’ve said, you’re government doesn’t work!

Jesus slowly stands to His feet. He turns and gently lays His crown on His throne. Rolling up His sleeves, He flexes His powerful biceps. The shadow of a cross flashes across the throne. Turning toward the world He created, a small smile crosses His face. “Watch this!”

I take care of My own!

Whether a colleague in trouble, a daughter in tears, a niece bowed down in embarrassment and hurt, a husband attacked by vicious coworkers, when you rally around someone within your circle of responsibility, fiercely protective, lavishly caring, vigorously defending, generously giving, you are modeling Jesus’ love for you and those around you. Without realizing it, you honor and please Him by copying His fierce, lavish, vigorous, generous love.

Look to your family, your close friends, your employees. Don’t flinch. Don’t think twice. Proudly dive headlong with words and acts to protect and care for those who have been entrusted to you.

Take care of your own!

Aug 022015

bashingBashing. The new international sport. Tweet bashing is an actual term in current use! In fact, bashing has become so popular that some are pretending to bash, just to get more attention! Think I’m kidding? see how many #bashing have nothing to do with bashing. Pseudobashing?

Apparently, I am completely out of touch with current events. I woke up with a start the other day when several bashing related issues piled on top of each other in my consciousness.

The first thing I noticed was the confederate flag. Yes, it has been linked in the media to at least one horrific current event. Using their same logic, we will find ourselves bashing the American flag as well, since it too has been the backdrop for extremists and criminal acts, and at a much greater frequency.

Then I started picking up on the whole wild animal killing thing. Yes, the irresponsible disrespect shown by some recently for the remaining wildlife diversity on our planet is shocking and disappointing. It does indeed say something about our culture when we place so little value on the creation around us. However, this is beginning to expand to include all hunting, which is very narrow-minded. In addition, what does it say about us when these stories get far more attention than, say, the fact that close to 1 in 5 children in this country are malnourished.

Last Friday, I posted something on Facebook asking for prayers for the firefighters across California. There are close to 2000 of them battling a growing monster less than one hour from where I’m sitting right now. Thousands of people being evacuated. How naive I was. While there were only supportive comments to my post, I became aware of a nationwide focus on bashing California! Criticizing the government for poor management, categorizing Californians as loose, liberal, wasteful, pot-growing, evil, immoral, the list is long…. that deserve to burn, and this even from christian sources! Did you know that there are whole sites and phone apps designed to facilitate “drought shaming”? Yes, it is a term. Applies to people making judgments, often misinformed, about water abuse and posting them online.

What’s with all of this hate! It’s so popular. It’s also exhausting. And dangerous.

Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.  -Proverbs 10:12 NIV.

Do we as Christians, or even as responsible citizens, have a responsibility to act against wrong in the world around us? Certainly. Generating so much hate against whole states, races, cultures, or other groups because of a few instances, admittedly sometimes terrible instances, of evil… which is the greater sin?

I fear that we are allowing ourselves to spread hate and bash others with such willingness and to such extremes that we are creating our own destructive wildfires, raging out of control, threatening to devour everything in their path, even us. These wildfires are far more real and destructive than the physical ones putting my adopted state at risk.

I challenge us this week. When faced with a bashing issue in the real, or in social media, rather than jumping on the hate bandwagon, find a way to make a loving comment. Find something to support, someone to care for. That’s how we bash the bash.

Aug 012015

discouragementDon’t let discouragement die! When you see a colleague’s eyes start to well up with tears, frustrated about a tough day, pretend you didn’t see her.

The thirteen year old girl accidentally lets her sleeve slip up, showing signs of cutting. You look away in disgust, not wanting to appear to support such actions.

A frustrated mother and her three little ones sit in the pew next to you. She desperately tries to keep them engaged and quiet. You maintain your straightforward focus without connecting with the one six inches away.

Your boss is obviously faced with challenges on several fronts, you resist the temptation to leave an encouraging card on her desk. Keep discouragement alive!

An elderly neighbor struggles to move a dead limb off of her sidewalk. You carefully avoid eye contact because you are not dressed for limb removal.

Your pastor  works to heal divisions in the congregation through his messages. You keep your indifference intact by exiting through a side door to avoid him. You succeed in not letting discouragement die.

The hungry twelve year old boy in front of you at the fast food restaurant has trouble finding enough change to pay for his sandwich. You carefully look at the display of flashlights, trying to mask your impatience.

The error prone employee is crestfallen as she realizes she has goofed once again. You carefully keep your quality focus intact by sternly documenting the mistake and avoiding affirming the work done well.

My wife is up past midnight, struggling to finish cooking for a work party the next morning. I watch TV in another part of the house because, of course, it’s not my fault that she didn’t start earlier.

Son calls his dad after failing a difficult chemistry test. Dad carefully avoids mentioning all the other good grades because striving to improve is important.

Dad punishes his seven year old daughter for breaking a vase she was told not to touch. He sends her crying to her room, not wanting any comforting to dilute the punishment. Ahhh, discouragement is kept alive.

Yes! Successful people we are! Discouragement will NOT become an endangered species on our watch! Long live discouragement!!

Just one little hint: if you would love to fail… at keeping discouragement alive, make up another ending for each scenario above. And Oh, by the way, be on constant alert for opportunities to fail all around you today. Shhh. Don’t tell anyone. Failing at this is a blast!!

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV.

Jul 252015
[embedplusvideo height=”150″ width=”200″ editlink=”″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=sWUKVjOqeVc&width=200&height=150&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8110″ /]

One of my favorite songs. It’s so easy to be distracted by junk around us and forget to celebrate and be thankful for a thousand little things that grace our lives. Today, this song reminded me of a thousand little things I am thankful for in Ruth, my girlfriend, my wife x32.

I’m thankful that when I get up far earlier than the sun, she knows it’s my quiet time and lets it be. I’m thankful when she squeals in delight when I bring her coffee in bed.

When she eats the burned part without me even getting a chance to split it. When she irons my shirt for the next day before I can get to it. When she brushes the dogs because she knows I ha…I mean, it’s not my favorite thing to do. When she installs the toilet paper rolling off the front of the roll…yessss.

I’m thankful that she is a tireless and uncomplaining roofing partner! I’m thankful she’s not scared of sawdust and dirt and getting her shoes and hands dirty. I’m thankful she knows the value of high quality leather, in work gloves, shoes, and yes, purses!

I’m thankful we can hold hands in public, even crossing the hospital campus. And that she enjoys pretending we are on a date when we grab a quick lunch at work. And that she laughs when I tell the girls at work that I’m off to each lunch with my girlfriend.

I always thank my God for you… -1 Corinthians 1:4 NIV.

I am thankful when I hear her laugh and laugh at something silly on TV! And for the fact that she finds my antics amusing… at least most of the time. And that neighborhood kids respond to her friendliness and interest.

I am thankful that she creates fans wherever she works. I am thankful that she is as happy to see me as I am to see her after a challenging day at work. I am thankful she finds rest in a good book.

These are things, yes mostly little things, that make my days joyful. Homework for you? Revel in little thankful things today. Don’t sweat the big stuff. Find ways to share your thankfulness for small things with those around you, a coworker, a boss,  a friend at church, a child of yours, a child of someone elses, your wife.

Jul 192015

equalEquality. Being viewed as equal. Demanding equal treatment. These are constant themes in our culture and certainly in the media. How important is it to be equal? When I focus on being equal, do I really mean greater than?

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.  -George Orwell, Animal Farm.

In our church, we practice a symbolic act called footwashing. We do this several times a year and just before a communion (Lord’s supper) service. Patterned after Jesus’ own example, it is to teach humility and even to allow members to right wrongs between them. Yesterday, I had the privilege of leading 15 shiny-faced, wiggly kids between 3 and 13. We learned about symbolism. We learned about Jesus serving the disciples by washing their feet. Yuck! We agreed that copying things that Jesus did was a good idea.

We learned that washing feet reminds us that no one, from a country’s leader to a child, is more important than another. We are all important and have equal value at the foot of the cross.

Regardless of your faith choice this morning, you may find direct application for this in all parts of your life.

When my daughter, and now, my son,  married, they washed each other’s feet in the middle of the wedding service, showing us all that they promised to serve each other in love. While roles in a family are not all identical, it is important for children to be highly valued and to learn to serve each other as they watch the example of their parents.

At UVMC, our senior leadership do a beautiful job of teaching servant leadership by example. It is not at all uncommon to see any one of them interacting with and serving a disoriented guest in the hallway or assisting a struggling front line employee. They teach value for each person in their actions and also their business decisions.

What is my focus at work? Do I want to ensure that I get my share? That I don’t work any harder than the next person? That I don’t do for someone else unless they have already done it for me? Acting in humility, being the first to apologize, going a step farther than another, these are things that create harmony in the workplace and result in better service for our customers or patients.

What is my focus at home? Do I let the dishes pile up because some one else should be doing it? Because I did it last time? Do I delay taking the garbage out, hoping that someone will take it out before I get to it? Or do I initiate acts of service that I know will please my wife, with no thought of reciprocity or reward?

My challenge for us as we begin a new week- find ways to underline value in those around you, at home and at work, through acts of humility and service!

Jul 052015

Dependence DayDependence Day. Did I miss the “In”? Was that the day before Independence Day? Yes, many years ago, yesterday, we did declare our independence from another country. Today, as  I mull over the rhetoric from yesterday, I declare my dependence!

I depend on brave young men and women in all military branches who deliberately charge into harm’s way around the world to protect my freedom and that of others who deserve it.

I depend on tough, committed individuals who serve as LEO’s, paramedics, firefighters (Yes, thank you Cal Fire!), and others who keep us safe every day.

I depend on service-minded public servants in all levels of government who make decisions every day, not out of self-interest, but to make our communities better.

I declare my Dependence Day!

I depend on my local Friedman’s store to supply me with the materials I need to create, build, repair my home and property as I am able.

I depend on Americans all around me to keep  our forests and mountains and shores clean and pristine for my enjoyment and theirs.

I depend on my boss to lead me and others with the UVMC mission in mind every day.

I depend on my laboratory colleagues to perform their duties with excellence and caring, providing the best service possible to the patients they serve.

I declare my Dependence Day!

I depend on my pastor to lead my church, and me, with Godly conviction and grace, ever pointing me closer to Him.

I depend on my parents to support me with love and approval, even when my decisions seem amusing, confusing, or downright weird to them.

I depend on my daughters and son to love and respect and connect with me as we continue to grow together.

I depend on my wife to love me unconditionally, even when I’m a little bit embarrassing, stinky, or awkward.

I depend on my Jesus to front for me always, to model grace for me, to give me  rock-solid salvation assurance based on His behavior, not mine, to give me confidence in a place in His Father’s house one day soon.

I declare my Dependence Day!

Jun 212015

Father's DayDavid, accomplished poet,brave warrior, brilliant military leader, was a failure! Yeah, you heard me! Father’s day and I’m starting a rant? We’ll, let’s take stock.

Michal, Ahinoam, Abigail, Maakah, Haggith, Abital, Eglah, Bathsheba. That’s a list of David’s named wives! There were many more that are not named in the Bible. Let’s remind ourselves of God’s plan for families.

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Genesis 2:24 NIV.

This oft-quoted text is a hanging sentence! It starts with “That is why”. In other versions, “For this reason”. What reason? What why? As usual, context is everything. Let’s try this text again.

But for Adam no suitable helper was found.  So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Genesis 2:20-24 NIV.

Ah yes. God made two from one, and His plan was for two to become one again. This is where it all starts, guys. Let’s see what happens with David, distracted and unfaithful husband, weak and permissive father.

Bathsheba, wife of a decorated officer. David had an affair with her, covered it up and murdered her husband. Her first son died in infancy,her second son was Solomon.
Amnon, David’s firstborn, from his second wife Ahinoam, raped his half sister Tamar, sister of Absalom who was the third son and son of Maakah, a foreigner. Absalom had Amnon murdured to avenge his sister. Absalom staged a military coup and was murdered by Joab, David’s general.

Adonijah, the fourth son, born by David’s fourth wife, staged a political takeover.

Here’s what the Bible says about Adonijah.

His father had never rebuked him by asking, “Why do you behave as you do?” He was also very handsome and was born next after Absalom. 1 Kings 1:6 NIV.

Solomon, second son of Bathsheba and seventh named son of David was put on the throne by a bedridden David to compete with Adonijah. Solomon had Adonijah executed, had hundreds of wives,  and supported idol worship including child sacrifice.

What a mess! I wonder what David’s Father’s Day was like? The Bible has a lot to say about the role of fathers and their effect on families and society.

Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? Heb. 12.7 NIV.

The righteous who walks in his integrity- blessed are his children after him! Prov. 20.7 NIV.

As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. Psalm 103:13 NIV.

In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge. Proverbs 14:26 NIV.

A Science Daily article states- “A father’s love contributes as much — and sometimes more — to a child’s development as does a mother’s love. That is one of many findings in a new large-scale analysis of research about the power of parental rejection and acceptance in shaping our personalities as children and into adulthood.”

I challenge wives and mothers- Celebrate the wins in your husband’s life at work or home, big or small. Find ways to encourage even the smallest right direction or good course correction we make.

I’m a sucker for my wife or daughters [and some others] when they say, “I need a strong, tall man to…”  Ladies, use that power for good...

Fathers, I challenge you, and me this Father’s Day –  Accept the powerful and eternal effect you have on your children, young or grown.

Let your children see your faith.
Let your children see your struggle.
Let your children see you treat women with honor, respect, and care.
Let your children see you love your wife as Christ loved the church and gave His life for it.
Let your children experience discipline in its truest sense- disciplemaking- helping them to follow the course you set.
Let your children see you model strength, grace, acceptance, and fierce, unstoppable love.

Whether you have children or not, whether your family is split, recombined, or nonexistant, God has a father role for you somewhere in your circle of influence.

This Father’s Day, men, don’t just enjoy whatever gifts and attention you receive, take some time in thought and prayer to consider your influence on the children all around you, in your family or not. You are the single most powerful human factor in their lives and for their salvation. Step Up!

-excerpted from sermon given June 12,2015.