Apr 282011

The disciples grinned at each other, stomachs no longer growling, hunger completely satisfied.  Jesus had continued to serve them the fresh-caught baked fish and bread until they could hold no more. Now they stood around the fire, invigorated by the cool morning air, the sun just beginning to creep above the hills to the east. Pleased with the lesson just taught and learned, Jesus slowly looked around the circle, a smile forming on his face. One more lesson to teach, he thought. One more wound to heal.

“Peter,” he said quietly,”Do you really love me more than the others love me?”

He straightened, a look of self-satisfaction and pride in his expression.

 “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”   

 Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” John 21:15 NIV.

Peter’s gaze was fixed on his hands. He glanced behind him, looking for small sheep, then feeling a little sheepish himself.

Jesus cleared His throat. Peter hesitantly began to look up , a reluctant sigh escaping his lips.

“Peter,” Jesus spoke just a little louder,”Do you really love me?”

He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”

 Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” verse 16.

The silence was deafening. The other disciples shifted their positions on the sand and stone of the beach, uncomfortable even though another was the object of Jesus’ attention. Peter didn’t move a muscle, his face devoid of expression, not looking at anyone. Especially not looking at Jesus. The silence continued. One minute. Then two.

“Peter,” Jesus said for the third time, His voice stronger now, challenging, carrying outside of the circle and down the beach.

For the third time, Peter heard his name called. A look of hopelessness and pure despair crossed Peter’s face. He had a sudden flashback of his claim that others would desert Jesus, but that he never would. He remembered an evening meal where he promised loyalty. He remembered the voice of Jesus, full of love and pain, predicting his threefold betrayal.

“Peter,” He spoke powerfully,”Do you love me?” His voice pierced the cool morning air just like it pierced Peter’s heart. He fell forward to the ground, his face grinding into the sand, completely humbled, no trace of pride left. He groaned, his voice muffled,

“Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” verse 17.

Peter waited, his heart thudding loudly in his chest. Would it all end here? A moment of weakness causing rejection and separation? Would Jesus send him out just like He sent Judas? He heard gravel shifting and grating as someone slowly stood.

A quiet voice said, a loving, accepting voice said, a commanding voice said,”Feed my sheep!”

Peter raised, brushing the sand from his face. His head shook with confusion and maybe, just maybe, the beginnings of hope. He heard footsteps leave the circle and move farther and farther away. He sat up, turning around to see Jesus walking steadily away from him and down the shoreline. Still confused, he sat there, surrounded by the others, still silent, still unmoving.

Suddenly, Jesus whirled and looked back, looked directly at Peter. The others moved aside, leaving a clear path between them.

“Peter!” Jesus’ powerful voice echoed like a trumpet call  from the surrounding hills. The look on His face, His commanding stance, every inch the Son of the Living God. Each disciple heard the voice of the Creator God, the voice that spoke the sun into the sky, the voice that raised Lazarus from the dead. Not a sound broke the silence that held the echoes of His voice. Not a trilling bird call, not a slapping wave, not a whisper of wind.

Peter stared directly at his Master, still silent, still unmoving.

Jesus, a smile slowly spreading across His face, shouted in the same commanding voice,”FOLLOW ME!” and, still smiling, He turned to continue His walk.

With a look of pure joy on his face, Peter lunged to his feet and ran after his Jesus.

What was it about those few words? What meaning, what message passed between them? I think something like this- “Peter, I know you. Peter I know your weaknesses. Peter I know you love me. Peter, I want others to hear your total commitment to Me. Peter your denial, your betrayal, your sin does not make Me love you less, does not keep Me from using you. Because it’s not about you, Peter. It’s about Me and My  Father’s will. Your sins are forgiven and forgotten, Peter. Look only ever forward, Peter. You are part of Me, Peter.  I have a job for you, Peter. Follow me, Peter. Copy Me, work with me, fish for men with me, prepare to go home with Me!

What meaning for me? Have I denied? Have I run away? Have I stopped following? The same forgiveness, the same forgetting, the same future that Peter was given is also mine if I just follow Jesus.

Part 3 of a 4 part series beginning with Triple Rejection Before Sunrise and 153 Miracle Fish and ending with Focus, Peter!

Apr 122011

“Weren’t you with the guy who’s on trial?” the girl questioned. Peter winced as he heard the words. He had tried his best to melt into the crowd, not wanting to be noticed, but unable to tear himself away from the courtroom drama unfolding as the night wore on.  “I have no idea what you’re talking about!” he answered defensively, fear making his voice just a little louder than he had intended.

Peter eased himself away from the group, attempting to be casual. Hoping to regain anonymity, he joined a circle of  court staff warming themselves by an open fire.  The firelight cast harsh highlights and shadows on his face as he turned around, trying to let the warmth from the flames soak in from all sides. Slowly, he became aware that someone was staring at him across the fire.

“Yeah, this guy definitely was with him. I recognize him!” Peter slowly turned, seeing the pointing finger directed at him. “&$#%@!, you’re crazy. I don’t know him from Adam!” Peter retorted, letting a little anger turn his voice harsh. Peter finally made an admission to himself. He was afraid. He was really afraid! Ever since the garden, seeing Jesus captured violently, he had been afraid. His one attempt to defend Jesus failed when he missed the attacker’s head and lopped off his ear instead. And then, to have Jesus miraculously re-attach the ear and tell him to put up his sword-  He was the Christ, wasn’t he? But he was going down! Peter lost all the will to resist and started thinking about survival. He had no desire to be captured and tried as a troublemaker like Jesus!

 He felt someone jab him in the shoulder. Turning, he saw a relative of the man he had attacked in the garden. “Deny it all you want, but you are definitely with that guy! Besides, your accent says you aren’t from around here!”

Peter stared dumbstruck as his heart pounded several heavy beats. This was it. He could almost feel the rope being tightened around his wrists, hear the tearing sound of his coat being ripped from his shoulders, feel the bite of the chunks of metal woven into the whiplash as it ripped into the muscle of his back. No, no, no! Not him, not here. Not tonight!

He inhaled through his nostrils. Opening his mouth, the most vile curses poured out. Everything he had heard from the rough fishermen on the docks in Galilee. He lost all reverence for God’s name, saying things that no Jew would ever utter, thoroughly denying that he had ever known Jesus.

And then he heard the sound, the unexpected, yet normal sound piercing the early morning air. The sound of a rooster crowing. Once, then silence, then once again.

Horrified, Peter instinctively looked behind him toward the courthouse hoping against hope that…. But there he stood.  Jesus, beaten, bruised and bloody. Jesus, the one who had heard him promise loyalty to the death just a few hours ago.  Jesus, the one who had predicted his failure.

Then Jesus answered, “Will you really lay down your life for me? I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!  John 13:38 NIV.

Peter could feel the guilt weighing heavily on his shoulders. He stood rooted to the ground, unable to move. Tears began to make their way down his face. He felt their saltiness on his lips. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from Jesus. What would he say? What would he do? Had Jesus heard his every word?

No words came from Jesus’ lips. No harsh expression showed on his face.  Peter stared. Sorrow filled Jesus’ eyes. Recognition that Peter had failed him just as He said he would. But there was something else in those eyes. Something that made Peter feel even more guilty. Something that could only come from God.

The tears were free-flowing now.  His body racked with sobs, Peter finally turned from Jesus and staggered toward the courtyard gate, trying to get away from those eyes.

Father, let me stand for You today. Let me be willing to be counted for You today. Let me joyfully be recognised as Yours today. And if I fall- no, and when I fall, look at me like Your Son looked at Peter. Amen.

Part 1 of a 3 part series followed by 153 Miracle Fish and Triple Commit After Breakfast.

Mar 252011

Seriously? What can Twitter and prayer possibly have in common, right? At least two of you are already asking,”So Twitter is what, exactly?” 

According to tweeternet.comTwitter is a social networking and microblogging service that allows you answer the question, “What are you doing?” by sending short text messages 140 characters in length, called “tweets”, to your friends.

Whew, okay, What were we talking about? Oh yeah, prayer! Let’s check out some great texts.

pray continually;  1 Thessalonians 5:17, NIV

Well, that’s short and to the point.  Need to think a bit about that “continually” concept.

Seven times a day I praise you
   for your righteous laws. Psalm 119:164

Okay, seven is less than “continually”, right?

Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. Daniel 6:10

I read online earlier today about a guy who set up future tweets so that he would get one every hour on the hour during the day, prompting him to pray from the Book of Common Prayer. Does that seem stiff and artificial to you? Maybe so, but I applaud his initiative in making prayer a significant part of his day. How many times a day do you pray? One, three, seven, continually, or…none?

Is it important to you to talk to the Father, the Son, the Spirit often? Yes? But do you often find yourself reaching the end of the day without doing so?

We remind ourselves to do all kinds of things-pick up the dry cleaning, get milk, remember our anniversary, things that are important to us. Is prayer important enough to remind ourselves about it?

Does God consider our prayers of lesser value if they are delivered in 140 characters or less? If they come after a prompt from a Post-It or a tweet on a phone?

As a father, I can tell you that I want to hear from my girls any which way. Short or long, timed or spontaneous, I just want to hear their voices and share their day. Does my Heavenly Father love me any less than that?

So, whether you are a tweeter, a blogger, a Post-It poster, or a Sharpie on the palm writer, do what you have to do to keep prayer a regular part of your day.

And as you do that, you will grow closer to the One to Whom you speak, closer to living your days in continual connection, closer to letting Him choose your words and actions to please Him and reflect Him.

Mar 212011

Thunk! The splitting maul’s edge slammed into the end of the log, straining to split the grain. I looked down in disgust as the edge penetrated a measly quarter-inch. My older daughter’s boyfriend and I had been splitting wood steadily for the last half hour and making slow progress of it. Sometimes the edge of the maul would simply bounce off the end grain, not penetrating at all. Sometimes a sledgehammer-pounded wedge would get stuck in the twisted wood fibers swirling around a limb.

I stopped for a minute to catch my breath. I reflected on the fact that we were doing something so abnormal to this tree. Something far from its intended purpose.

Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. Genesis 1:11 NIV

I looked around at the woods around me. Literally hundreds of trees jutting up into the sky, their thousands and millions of huge limbs, branches and tiny twigs ending in buds just starting to burst with flower and leaf. We talked about the powerful structure: a complicated and far-reaching root system, providing not only stable support for the tree above, but gathering huge quantities of nutrients and water and pulling them ever higher into the trunk for life and growth.  We looked at the rings of fibers, showing years of life.  The needles of the giant pine had gathered energy from the sun, creating new growth and producing life giving oxygen to enrich the atmosphere.

What a wonderful design! And yet, its huge trunk lay on the ground, its decay becoming more and more evident years before it was finally cut  down. As we continued to split large chunks, the bark fell off in sheets, revealing insect damage and riddled with holes from insects and woodpeckers alike. Was this God’s intention that third day when He created this beautiful thing? Was this tree meant to die?

Recently, I wrote about Jesus sealing his commitment to die for us in the very moment He breathed the breath of life into Adam. Was Adam meant to fail and die? No. Yet our loving Creator, knowing that we would walk away from Him, foolishly choosing darkness and death, had a plan in place to recreate us, even before He created Adam!

Was the tree we struggled to split created to die? No! Yet it thrived and provided beauty even in the midst of our damaged and polluted world. Even as it died, it gave of itself, supporting insects and birds.  Falling to the ground, it provides organic material to replenish the soil,  supporting new life from death.

What an intelligent design! What a wonderful Creator! No matter how hard we try to ruin His creation, He still brings life and beauty from death,

whether it is a single pine tree….

…or me.

Mar 062011

He had put his best efforts into this latest work of art. Truly, it was his crowning acheivement. The symmetry, the elegance of its design, the sheer beauty of it. He wondered what his father would say.  In spite of his age, he wanted nothing but his father’s approval.

As pleasing as it was in appearance, it’s design was very…unusual. It was, in fact, quite daring. Actually, shocking would be more accurate. He wanted to do his very best for his father. He would even risk his disapproval, yes, even that, if what he had made would please his father.

The cost, well- the cost had been staggering. In fact, he had put his entire inheritance at risk, had incurred a debt so heavy that even he wondered if he could pay it off.

A slight touch here, a subtle change in color blending there. He analyzed the structural details one more time, making careful adjustments, building in even more grace and balance.

He was nearing completion, finally satisfied with his work. Hearing a slight rustle behind him, he rose from his knees, squatting on his heels, not able to tear his attention from the completed work, but wondering, wondering what his father would say.

“Son, you have done so well!”, his father began,”far beyond what anyone expected!”

“Thanks, Dad. I just wanted to make you happy,” he replied without turning around.

“And so I am, but the cost, it is so high!

 “Dad, I know the cost.  Yes, it is high,” he agreed.

“Son, I can hardly bear to think of you paying such a price, just to please me. It could cost you everything!” His father’s voice, sorrowful, yet full of love… and pride in his son.

“Yes, Dad, I know. I choose to finish this, because I love you and because we love this.”

Then, in one quick movement, he stretched over his work….

and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 NIV.

When Jesus created you, when He created the first human, He knew full well what it would cost Him, not only His life, but separation from His Father! And yet He made you anyway.

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. 1 John 3:16 NIV

Feb 072011

 Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small cake of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son. I kings 17:13 NIV

For this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the LORD gives rain on the land.’” verse 14.

“Easy for you to say,” thought the woman, “You’ll say whatever you can to get the first, and probably only, cake.” Cynicism written all over her face, she looked again at the man. His eyes never wavered, focusing ever deeper until she felt they would pierce her very soul.

“Give”, she heard the now familiar voice say again. She whirled around and seeing no one, turned back to the man and with a slight tilt of her head, beckoned him to follow her.

Inside the small hut, man and son watched as she poured the last of the oil, the last of the meal into a small bowl. Mixing it with her fingers, she made a simple dough and placed it on a hot rock close to the small fire she had built. All three watched as the dough slowly baked. The smell caused hunger pangs to surface. Her stomach complained loudly and her embarrassed laugh startled them, breaking the silence.

Finally, she loosened the cake from the rock and handed it to the man. Mother and son watched as he looked to heaven with thanks and as he slowly ate their last meal. Finally swallowing the last bite, he gestured for her to look into the clay jar she had just emptied of meal. She hesitated, her brow furrowing with stress. Finally she reached a hand into the jar, feeling for the bottom.

Shock and wonder filled her eyes as pulled her hand out- filled with meal!

let this very short video clip wash over you and speak to you.

God wants you, and me, to give. Give when it doesn’t make sense. Give when it doesn’t seem fair. Give when it is our last. God grows us the most when we give like Him.

Father, give me the faith to give when You speak. Help me to trust You to care for me.  Grow me to be more like You.

Jan 272011

 She pushed on, further and further, gathering a few twigs here and there that had been missed by others. Suddenly, a long shadow crossed her path. Startled, she looked up and involuntarily gasped.  Skin bronze-baked by the sun, lips cracked and bleeding,  the man swayed slightly in the harsh wind that blew his long, unkempt beard. His clothes were dusty and sweatstained.

He leaned toward her. Dark, piercing eyes arrested her attention. His mouth opened and he spoke, his first words sounding like a rusty, long-unused hinge, then growing smoother, deep and rich-

He called to her and asked, “Would you bring me a little water in a jar so I may have a drink?” 1 Kings 17:10 NIV

His voice quickly dissipated in the oppressive heat. She slowly stood, keeping her eyes fixed on him.  Her heart began to beat, drumming loudly against her rib cage. “Give”, she heard the voice between heartbeats. She involuntarily looked around her for the source.  Looking  back at the man, her eyes softened as she recognized his need. She nodded slightly and turned to make her way back to the well at the edge of town.

“And bring me, please, a piece of bread.” verse 11

Incredulously, she turned again to face the man.  Surely he wasn’t serious!

 “As surely as the LORD your God lives,” she replied, “I don’t have any bread—only a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it—and die.” verse 12

His gaze never wavered.

Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small loaf of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son. verse 13

Have you ever been asked to give in a way that didn’t make sense?  God does not need to make His requests subject to a test of obvious logic in our minds.

Father, give me the faith to give when You say to give and how You say to give.

Dec 232010


Ten days. Ten weeks. Ten months, Ten wives. No, definitely not. Ten daughters, Ten sons. Joseph slogged through the mud to the end of the drainage ditch he was digging. This was the tenth hour today. He could feel every swing of the pick now.

Ten picks, Ten cubits. Ten, uh, Ten Commandments! There. Something he could occupy his mind with for a while. Thou shalt not have any other gods. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain. Thou shalt not, I mean, Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor.

He didn’t need a command to work, he thought to himself as he swung the pick just a little harder. Just looking into his wife’s face, his richly loved, but poorly dressed wife, was enough to keep him working from dawn until dark every day, well six days. With each passing week, it was a little harder to find work and a little harder to support his new little family of two, soon to become three.

Joseph was waiting. Waiting for the baby to come, waiting to make Mary his wife in every sense, waiting to make the trip back to Nazareth and his business. He had always hated waiting! He had waited for Mary to become old enough to wed, then the midnight visits that had changed both of their lives forever.

One more step forward, one more swing of the pick. He knew how to be a good father. His older sons, left without a mother years before, still relied on him for everything.  But how to be a father to someone else’s child? The son of JHWH himself, the Promised One of Israel, the Messiah.  Step. Swing. How could he raise and train this son? Wouldn’t he need much more to save Israel than just apprenticeship to a master carpenter?

Step. Swing. He buried the point of the pick deep into the earth and fell to his knees. The light finally fading in the western sky, he lifted his face heavenward. Not my will, but yours be done, he whispered the prayer.  He gasped a quick breath as his few words seemed to echo in the stillness. In a moment of strange vision and clarity, he wondered. Would his son  say those same words in desperate submission one day? Step. Swing. The pick to his shoulder, he walked slowly toward the stable cave, lost in thought.

Nov 242010

Moms have a whole day for it. Even Dads have one! Tomorrow is a whole day devoted to it, even though it is already commercially overshadowed by Christmas. Nevertheless, we ignore it so often every day.

Coffee. I don’t drink it a lot, but a good cup on a cold day in a cozy restaurant really hits the spot. I have noticed that wait staff vary quite a bit in their technique for filling and refilling a cup. I’ve chosen this as a litmus test for determining the level of care a person takes in serving me. Often, there is a drop running down the side of the cup and several more across the table as the carafe is slowly brought to an upright position after leaving the cup. Some professionals however, have mastered the art of uprighting the carafe while it is still hovering over the cup, leaving not one drop anywhere outside the cup! For that reason, and other specific acts of quality service, I choose to regularly request the presence of the shift manager for a short moment on my way out the door. I compliment the staff member who served me and include specific reasons for my appreciation of their service. I ask that the manager share my comments with them directly. That way, they not only get a compliment, but they know that their boss knows! It’s fun!

 So, what does this coffee focus have to do with Thanksgiving?  OK. Everybody loves on and thanks mothers on Mother’s day. We may even do it on Father’s day. We may even use the words “thank you” more than once on Thanksgiving. Why? Well, because we kindof have to. It’s expected!

 And be thankful. Colossians 3:15 NIV

For may of us, you’d think the text reads a little more like this-“and be thankful, in a regulated and periodic fashion”. I don’t think that’s what God had in mind when He had Paul write that short sentence, do you? I think He wants us to live days that are full of thanks! It’s one way we show love for each other.  Have you ever seen someone look less happy when you thank them?  Not usually. Their faces usually light up like a Christmas tree! By the way, what did you say to the person who took the trash out of your office this morning? What about the person who bagged your groceries?

Being thankful is what God asks of us. And when we are obedient to Him, He changes us from the inside out. One word of thanks at a time. One day at a time. Making us look more and more like His Son.

Here’s the challenge for the rest of the week.  Worry less about getting your fair share of tryptophan-laced turkey, dressing,a nd pumpking pie and focus more on those around you. Find at least ten people to thank. Find people you don’t usually thank. Find actions for which you don’t usually show appreciation. Be creative. Be specific. Be direct. Look them right in the eye, tell them what you are thankful for and tell them why. They may be surprised. They may even look shocked! That’s a hint that you may not be thanking them enough! 
