Jul 192014

The Right BloodThe patient in the ICU lay dying, the offending unit of blood pulled from his IV too late. His body was tearing itself apart fighting an unseen enemy.*

The wrong blood…. is death.

Another patient. In the ER for just minutes, his heart  rapidly pumping his blood onto the floor through a huge gaping wound. Fast acting physicians, rushing nurses, racing laboratorians, all worked together to provide the blood that saved a life that night.

The right blood…. is life.

When Moses stretched his hand over the river, a river worshiped by the Egyptians, a river full of fish worshiped by the Egyptians, the river turned to blood. All of the fish turned belly up. The river no longer a source of life to the fertile countryside.

The wrong blood…. is death.

Some days later, Moses instructed the Israelis to kill a lamb and spread its blood above the door and on the door jambs signifying that they were God-followers. Later that night, when the death plague passed over them, they were spared.

The right blood…. is life.

Good or evil. Right or wrong. Helpful or hurtful. Life or death. As leaders, employees, parents, friends, we make choices every day. We have conversations. Will they uplift or tear down? We post on Facebook. Will it be positive and supporting or negative and destructive? We interact with children and youth around us. Will we affirm, value and safeguard or criticize, discard, and endanger?

And what about Jesus? Do I choose to minimize and trivialize His work for me? Choosing a path that leads far from Him? Or do I choose to accept His grace gift of salvation? Horribly expensive grace. Grace bought through His suicide on the cross. Grace shown when He acted out His choice of death over losing me.

it was not with silver or gold that you were redeemed, but with the precious blood of Christ. 1 Peter 1:18,19 NIV excerpt.

My hope is build on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.

Jesus’ blood…. is my life.

What right choices will you make today?

*Note that laboratory and nursing professionals across this country go to extraordinary lengths and use tiers of redundant safety mechanisms to ensure that patients receive safe blood every day, every time.

excerpted from Sunrise service sermon Ukiah 6/21/14

Jul 032010

Seems like vampires are very prevalent in the media these days. One of the most recent examples is the Twilight Saga film series, two of which hit the box office in late 2009 and have already grossed over 1 billion dollars. The third was set to be released this last Wednesday, June 30.

The fictional vampire is most often a human-like creature that requires blood to survive, primarily human blood. They are sometimes viewed as humans who have died and become “undead” at night and prey on human victims.

While many view such things as harmless, often, the evil one uses such things to confuse us and cloud the truth. Sometimes the most dangerous things are those that are the most similar to truth!

Vampires. The Undead. Beings who come back to life at night and subsist on blood, mostly human.

Christians believe that only God holds the power over life after death.  Look out folks! everything else is from the devil!

The blood. What about the blood? the mythical vampires selfishly TAKE the blood of their unwilling victims in order to survive.

Jesus voluntarily gave [yeah, I know that’s redundant], freely GAVE, His life, His blood so that we may live.

His death is proof of His unselfish love. A vampire living is proof of its selfishness and evil.

“and with your blood you purchased men” Revelation 5

The contemporary worship band, Casting Crowns, shares this incredible message:

Giver of every breath I breathe
Author of all eternity
Giver of every perfect thing
To You be the glory
Maker of Heaven and of Earth
No one can comprehend Your worth
King over all the universe
To You be the glory

And I am alive because I’m alive in You

It’s all because of Jesus I’m alive
It’s all because the blood of Jesus Christ
That covers me and raised this dead man’s life
It’s all because of Jesus I’m alive
I’m alive, I’m alive

Don’t be fooled by counterfeit trickery. It’s all about the blood of Jesus. Not to appease an angry Father, but to prove the extent of His love for us!

Father, lead me day by day to reflect Your love just a little more.