Sep 112015

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Fourteen years ago. Do you remember where you were? I was standing a few feet from a portable radio in the laboratory just outside of the Emergency Room at Tennessee Christian Medical Center. While the hospital is no longer as it was, I have strong memories of that morning. I remember calling for hospital staff to meet in the chapel. I remember bowing at the front of the darkened room, begging God for a message to encourage and strengthen. I remember, minutes later, speaking to a full chapel, the huge display bible open in my hands, sharing the message of Moses at the Red Sea. When trapped between the sea and Pharaoh’s army, he spoke:

Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. Exodus 14:13 NIV

Just like I knew then that the message I spoke was not from any thought of my own, I know now that my God does not want His people to fear. The terrorists on that day hoped to instill a spirit of fear in America. They were physical instruments of the evil one, just as he continues to plague us with a spirit of fear in our hearts now.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 1 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

A spirit of fear darkens the spirit of the young father who just lost his job. A spirit of fear of failure weakens the intellect of the brilliant high school student, her ability masked by it. A spirit of fear clouds the mind of the elderly woman feeling the end is near, not sure of her future.

I know that  the future of this great country does not lay with its people cowering from an evil power. I don’t know about you, but I know that my God has no interest in me living my life in a spirit of fear, frightened of what my life on earth will bring and uncertain of my salvation.

I believe in America. Even though we make shockingly poor decisions, about our government and as a society. I know that as long as we refuse to accept the spirit of fear and move forward, working hard and doing right by those around us, we can prevail.

I believe in my salvation through Jesus Christ. Even though I often neglect Him, even though I make shockingly poor decisions and disappoint Him often, I know that He wants to remove my spirit of fear and replace it with power to do right, love to care for those in my reach, and a sound mind to think and act in ways that please Him.

Apr 052014
Bob MacLafferty

 Derek was born with his father praying that he would be a great surfer one day. Those hopes were dashed when Derek was born blind.

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Seventeen years later, Derek determined that his father’s dream would become reality. He overcame great physical and spiritual odds and has now surfed the great waves of the world, including the Pipeline on Oahu’s North Shore.

We are in one of the most difficult industries in the world- healthcare! Increasing expenses, decreasing revenues, increasing regulation, and that’s just what we know before breakfast! 2014 may prove to be one of the most challenging years in healthcare yet.
We can’t see over the waves. We can’t even see some of the waves coming! That does sound very uncertain. Yes, even unsafe!
I am a believer. What do I believe in?
I believe in Jesus and His power to save me in spite of my self.
I believe in the mission of this hospital- reflecting God’s love
I believe in you, in the ability and passion of the leaders and coworkers around me.
I believe that we can do things we’ve never done, in ways we’ve never experienced.
I believe that the future is uncertain and unsafe.
I believe that we can embrace that future unafraid.

shared  by Bob MacLafferty, March 31, 2014, Ukiah Valley Medical Center