Jul 042020

unity americaAlmost two and a half centuries ago, thirteen diverse colonies discovered the power of unity. They changed the world by giving of themselves to create something unique, something new, something united.

On this July 4, 2020, we have the opportunity to celebrate the freedom and opportunity that the states, united across America, provide for us. And yet, weakened and distracted by COVID-19, we have allowed another crisis to develop. As it burns through our cities and towns, it brings separation and fear, rather than courage and unity. Voices cry louder and angrier, calling for the destruction of the very country we claim to celebrate today! What are we to do?

The greatest sports teams are not simply a collection of superstars, but a group of team players who have the vision to understand that they are victorious through submission to the whole, winning through unity. In a 2010 Oklahoma/Oklahoma State football game, one player leapt out of bounds, and in the air, tipped the ball to a teammate for an interception. He sacrificed himself for the good of the team. He knew the power of unity.

In the best work environments, team members understand the value of their department’s service or product. They give to each other, helping each other do what they do best every day. Great companies are full of team members who see success, not through personal stardom, but through the power of unity.

Jesus-followers know that selfishness is their greatest enemy. They also know that unselfishness leads to a unity that is the very best proof of their faith.

“…be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren…” -1 Peter 3:8 KJV.

Are we to ignore our shortcomings and faults? Ours? Did I mean to say our country’s faults? Our country is made up of us. So yes, they are OUR shortcomings and OUR faults. And no, we should not ignore them. We should strive to fix them, taking individual responsibility for doing right in our communities.

Is that all? No. We should admit and believe that a country, our country, America, is far greater than simply the sum of its faults. We should realize that something imperfect can still be great. Then we are free to build up rather than tear down. We are free to lift America up even when it isn’t at its best for any one of us.

Today, as we celebrate, worship, thank, eat, visit, and enjoy fireworks, let us re-pledge to the flag, to America for which it stands, and to each other. May we find the power of unity in one nation, under God. May we be indivisible. May we work to provide liberty and justice for all. God Bless America!

Jul 042017

Fourth of JulyHere we sit on the Fourth of July, halfway through this year. In my relatively short lifetime [not so short according to my younger daughter, LOL!] I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many of us complaining about our country! We are angry about the President. We are angry about the police. We are angry about legal immigration, illegal immigration- oops, I mean undocumented, about the people who are angry about immigration! We are offended about, well… about everything!

I’m starting to think we define ourselves primarily by what we are against!  I sat  at my desk early this morning, at work by choice and joining my coworkers scheduled to provide laboratory medicine support in our region on this holiday. I thought of how many of us express so much negativity about our country. I thought of how many of us choose to identify ourselves as hyphen-Americans, or maybe just the hyphen- and not -American. I thought of how many come to this country and then bad mouth it and work to tear it down. And then I thought, in spite of this, more people immigrate to America than any other country! What does that mean?

Sorry folks. What that means is that this country has more to offer, in so many ways, than any other country on this earth! If that sounds pro-America, well, no apology, it is! Are we perfect? No, no we’re not. Do we need work? Yes, yes we do!

I have a few challenges for you today. Hang on, I’ll get to all of  you!

On this Fourth of July, if you are an immigrant, and you are spending too much of your time tied up in negativity about this country, please, for all our sakes, and your own, feel free to rejoin your country of origin. If you are an  undocumented guest,  and aren’t positive about being here, the road back home is wide open. If you like it here, respect us enough to buy in- documentation, language and all.

On this Fourth of July, if you were born here, you are more blessed than you know. I challenge you to look for the good in the people, government, and countryside around you. I challenge you, and those of you just joining us in  your lifetime, celebrate the differences that make us strong.  Find and revel in common ground that makes us all American.  Keep the uniqueness that adds flavor to us all. Lose the differences that divide and separate.

On this Fourth of July, I challenge you to keep your words and actions only on the blessings, only on the positives that make this country great. If there is something about us that is not worthy, then not today, but tomorrow pledge to be the positive change that will make us worthy.

God bless you. And God bless America!!