Dec 132014

flashlightI love flashlights! I have lots of them. I have large 3 Dcell ones, tiny pocket-sized ones, solar-powered ones, hand-cranked generator ones,LED head-mounted ones, even one that generates a charge by shaking it! My latest is a very powerful compact model that can change brightness just by rotating my hand and remembers the mode it was in the last time it was used!

All the girls in my family have flashlights. Standard sized ones by the bed, Tiny pink ones in their purses. I love the technology. I love the light!

I love to be able to control what I see and when. With my flashlight, I can focus my attention on what is important to me. I can see what is at my feet. I can look at the path I want to take. I can exclude anything I choose.

My daughter, Kayla, and I spent lots of time one-on-one on our farm as she was growing up. Clearing fence rows, saddling up our horses to meet the sunrise on horseback.  In the evening, the barnyard lights would give us light to work by as we put away tools and tack for the day. Sometimes the moon would be full, bathing the pastures with light outside of the reach of the barn lights.

Some nights, with no moon, the night seemed pitch black. Needing to check a distant gate or fence, we would step away from the bright lights, turn our flashlights off, and walk hand in hand through wooded paths, edging through pastures, making our way across the farm. At first, we could see nothing, our eyes blinded by the artificial light of the barnyard. Moving further and further away, we started noticing our galaxy and others, uncounted millions of stars, bathing our world with light.

As our eyes adjusted, we could make out dark shapes of grazing horses. Soon we could differentiate heads and tails, then colors and smaller features. The further in time and distance we got from the barnyard, the more we could see. Still hand in hand, we confidently crossed the rest of the farm, seeing everything we needed with just the light God provided for us.

When we use our own, seemingly powerful, light sources, we choose what we see, we decide upon what to focus. When we use the light provided by the Creator God, the lights he made just for us on the fourth day of Creation, our horizons expand. We see as HE wants us to see. We see other paths, other beings, other directions.

When we walk in our own light, we selfishly go through our days, ignoring what God has in store for us. We miss the people right next to us, just outside the circle of our light. We ignore those needing a hand to hold, blinded to them. We make our own life directions, unaware of loftier goals, bigger obstacles, more heavenly missions, all seemingly unlit to our eyes blinded by our own light.

In your home, in your workplace, in your church today, turn off your light, grab the hand of someone next to you, and let your world and your direction be lit by the only One Who really knows the best path for you.

 shared at UVMC October 29,2014


Aug 132010

You can’t have enough flashlights! I have lots of them and still find ones that I want. I have heavy 3 Dcell MagLites. I have tiny 1AAAcell lights. I have headmounted lights. I have one powered by squeezing a lever. I have one that you shake back and forth that actually holds a charge! The newer ones have very bright LED bulbs that are very efficient. The batteries seem to last forever. Often, however the batteries seem to end up going bad or missing.

Using a flashlight at night can be so helpful and maybe even comforting as we see the area in the beam lighted up so clearly and brightly.  One downside though, everything outside of the beam seems even darker. Also, when I turn the flashlight off, my pupils, so constricted from reacting to the bright light, don’t allow me to see much of anything at all!

My oldest daughter and I love to spend time on our farm doing almost anything, work or play.  We particularly enjoy walking across the farm, hand in hand, in the dark. without a flashlight! After leaving the circle of light from the car or house light, our pupils become huge, reaching out to gather the light from the sliver of a moon, or just from the stars, just the way the Creator built us to do.

At first, everything seems very dark.  Soon, vague shapes of trees, fence posts, horses, and other objects begin to appear. as we get further and further in distance and time from our self-made light, the shapes become clearer and more distinct.  Leaves on trees, wires on fences, ears on horses slowly appear.

Her hand in mine and mine in hers keeps her steady when she stumbles. And yes, when I stumble! The minutes go by.  We are amazed at how bright the world around us becomes by starlight.

Let him who walks in the dark,
who has no light,
trust in the name of the LORD
and rely on his God.   Isaiah 50:10

 Every time I try to supply the light in my life, I run into trouble.  Things seem bright at first, but it blinds me to most of the world around me. And when my light inevitably fades, I am left to stumble through my days dangerously crashing in to things, a danger to myself and to those around me.

 Have you ever been tricked into walking in your own light? Do you feel like you are in the dark some times? On this very day, Friday the 13th, superstitions and darkness spread even more. Are you feeling oppressed by the darkness, overwhelmed and unable to see your way? Great! Then God has you right where He wants you, right where he can work with you. Flooding your life with a light that touches every step and every person around you. All you have to do is turn off your pitiful flashlight and open your eyes wide. Your Father will do the rest. Day or night, storm or calm, His light never changes.

Father, give me the power to turn off my flashlight and walk in the dark, trusting You to light my life.

shared 8/13/10 and 11/10/14 in the workplace.