Walmart had done its own Thanksgiving prep. The most prominent feature on entering the store was a literal mountain of yams! Of course, no stuffing mixes could be found anywhere. We did our own zig-zagging, trying to find this one item among the overpowering displays of Christmas cooking items already competing for attention. Maybe it was because I wasn’t feeling the best. Maybe it was a general attitude problem on my part. Either way, I had an overwhelming urge to just get our stuff and get out of the store!
On this day, Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, I hope and pray I don’t need to go back to the store for a missing item! I’m sure the pace will have moved from frantic to frenetic (Yes, there’s a difference- I looked them up!). Turkey, stuffing, yams, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie filling, Advil, Tums, 40 watt candelabra bulbs, furnace air filter… Hey! Don’t judge! What’s on your list!
On this day, the last day to prepare before Thanksgiving, what am I doing to prepare? Shopping, cooking, housecleaning, finding the extra chairs, installing the table leaf, last-minute leaf raking, toddler-proofing the breakables… the list could go on and on. As I pondered the list and my focus and time, it seemed that most of the prep was centered around the meal and the event we make of it. Suddenly, one glaring omission became apparent. I may be preparing for the meal, the event, but was I preparing to give thanks, which should be the whole point of this day?
Why don’t I spend time clearing my head of stress and my body of frenetic activity and prepare myself to give thanks? And no, I’m not just talking about saying a hurried and cursory grace before the gorging begins. I’m talking about preparing myself to revel in the blessings showered on me every day by my Heavenly Father. I’m talking about considering special family members and friends who bless me in unique ways. I’m talking about key coworkers who brighten our days and call us higher. I challenge you to join me today, on Thanksgiving Prep day, preparing not just for a meal, but for a true outpouring of thanks!