Derek was born with his father praying that he would be a great surfer one day. Those hopes were dashed when Derek was born blind.
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Seventeen years later, Derek determined that his father’s dream would become reality. He overcame great physical and spiritual odds and has now surfed the great waves of the world, including the Pipeline on Oahu’s North Shore.
We are in one of the most difficult industries in the world- healthcare! Increasing expenses, decreasing revenues, increasing regulation, and that’s just what we know before breakfast! 2014 may prove to be one of the most challenging years in healthcare yet.
We can’t see over the waves. We can’t even see some of the waves coming! That does sound very uncertain. Yes, even unsafe!
I am a believer. What do I believe in?
I believe in Jesus and His power to save me in spite of my self.
I believe in the mission of this hospital- reflecting God’s love
I believe in you, in the ability and passion of the leaders and coworkers around me.
I believe that we can do things we’ve never done, in ways we’ve never experienced.
I believe that the future is uncertain and unsafe.
I believe that we can embrace that future unafraid.
shared by Bob MacLafferty, March 31, 2014, Ukiah Valley Medical Center